GPU Network
Node sales on March 21st
DecentralisedGPU Network for

Unleash seamless GPU compute for your projects, experience efficiency like never before.

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with support of next generation of builders

Built by Researcher, Entrepreneur, Suraj Chawla.

Ex-Physicist, Swiss Govt, BrahmGAN & Router Protocol, know more



Layer 1 Blockchain

To enable transparency and the state of the art verification of compute we have built our own Layer 1 blockchain. This runs on a Proof of Compute consensus algorithm - a mix of POS for validators and POW for the compute providers


Trustless Compute

Our vision is to make GPUs as a Decentralised layer for building AI and make compute as trustless as an LP on Uniswap. dApp is live, node program launching in Q1'24


GPU Supply envisions to have 1 million GPUs on the platform by 2030 with over 660 units of Nvidia A100 80gb available, the highest across our competitors: Render, Akash, Gensyn or even Bittensor compute subnet!


Deflationary Tokenomics

Revenue driven protocol with currently 4K/month revenue scaling to 10x rapidly All revenue in GPU tokens will be burned and the providers will have a fixed Emissions supply that will follow a yearly halfing rate.

GPU Network

GPU.NET is offering computational infrastructure to accelerate the adoption of Generative AI, 3D and web3 industries

Robust Infra of GPU Network
Rotate device


Gpu price surge


Rapid Surge

As of 2023, There has been a rapid surge in the training of AI models increasing the consumption of GPUs all over the world. This drastic surge resulted in shortage of GPU’s availability and cost skyrocketing 10 times.

gpu structure

critical infrastructure

Web3 has witnessed the development of critical infrastructure such as L1s, L2s, Data (filecoin/IPFS), Crosschain & CPU (Akash Network/Flow), But falls short for multi purpose GPU infrastructure.

rising cost

The cost

The cost of the CPU is less than one cent/hour, which technically eliminates the need to migrate to an alternative in the presence of Big Tech infrastructure (AWS/GCP/Azure). GPU instances, on the other hand, begin at $3/hour and provide a compelling urge to seek for alternative providers.

This 100x variance in market valuation as well as demand is reflected in fundamental pricing per hour .

The Core Compute Stack

Dive into the future of decentralized applications (DApps) with our innovative GPU Compute Stack

Learn More

Products Running on

GPU Network

brahm architecture logo

Convert 360° video to 3D models directly which can be used in Unreal or for Ecommerce/VFX use cases.

Try now
brahm avataar logo

Swift and decentralized 3D content creation made possible by GPU.NET.

Coming soon
brahm genie logo

Reinvent your images to life utilizing Blockchain Technology and Generative AI.

Coming soon

A suite of 3D Generative AI tools, built in-house by the team.



Build Bitensor like subnet for building niche compute clusters.

Creating inspiring content through innovative technology.

Visit Website


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Q3/Q4 2023

  • dApp []
  • Compute stack as Infra
  • Nasscom Partnership for first 500 GPUs
  • Community ~ 25K
  • Private round closed
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Q1/Q2 2024

  • Node program for providers
  • Platform scale testing with 100 machines
  • Community grow to 100K + KOLs
  • Token Launch & Listing
  • FusionAI workload pilot
Current Phase
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Q3/Q4 2024

  • 2000 node providers globally
  • Token emissions halfing cycle
  • Platform scaling to 1000 machines
  • Revenue/Token burn target 9M
  • FusionAI cluster testnet
  • FHE pilot
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  • Trustless compute as tradeable asset
  • API integration with AI protocols
  • Niche compute clusters / application subnets
  • FHE & FusionAI mainnet upgrade
  • Scaling + different architecture GPUs